Review – Deceptive Cadence by Katie Hamstead

Deceptive Cadence (Cadence, #1)Deceptive Cadence by Katie Hamstead
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

* ARC provided for an honest review *


Deceptive Cadence
By Katie Hamstead

Wow this book shocked and captivated me right from the very beginning. Cadence Anderson has a husband, Austin and a child whose lives are lost in an earthquake. This was very difficult to read since I too have a husband and small child. The book was so well written you felt like you were in Cadence’s shoes during the life altering events. While in the hospital Cadence is visited by an angel who gives her the opportunity to go back in time and change the events that happened that day. Wow, who would not love the chance to go back to high school and change the mistakes you made! Cadence is sent back to the ninth grade and given the chance to make new choices in her life. We see her fall in love with James (who is not her husband) and watch how their high school relationship grows. Reading about Cadence and James is great but ultimately we know she is going to fall in love with Austin so watching their relationship unfold is a double edge sword. Cadence finishes her second shot at high school and is off to college where she will eventually meet Austin. She is in a bind as she is in love with James who also loves her so much but she already knows college is where her future husband is!

This book has great character development. Since we watch Cadence go back to high school, the majority of the book takes place there. We see James develop into a great boyfriend and you can see how much he truly loves and adores her. Cadence’s family also play a role in the book and it is nice to see that dynamic, especially her siblings.

This books has it all, gut wrenching sadness, time travel, love and happiness.

I actually gave this book a 4.5 star review.

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